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"The preservation of health is easier that the cure of disease”                                                                       -Dr. BJ Palmer


Licensed Acupuncture Physician

Jane Kaufman, a former migraine headache sufferer, became interested in Chinese Medicine after personally experiencing its benefits, where other mainstream treatments had failed.  Migraine-free for many years Jane decided to pursue a career in Oriental Medicine, completing graduate level training as a Licensed, Board-Certified Acupuncture Physician.  Jane holds certifications from National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, the National Auricular Detox Association (NADA) and the International Cupping Therapy Association (ICTA).

My mission at Kaufman Wellness is to help as many people as possible to feel their absolute best…naturally. Using the ancient art of Chinese Medicine I help my patients to restore and maintain optimal health.  My patients leave my care empowered with knowledge on maintaining their health and sustained well-being.

I’d like to have the opportunity to evaluate whether I can help you feel your best. Please accept my offer of a complimentary consultation to determine if Chinese Medicine is right for you.


Headaches Run In My Family

headache stor

My mother, my grandmother and my maternal great aunts suffered from Migraine headaches.  As a child I saw my mother suffer quite a bit.  In spite of her efforts, she never found a solution to her constant challenge of frequent migraine headaches.  My mother suffered so severely that she often missed many family events- hibernating in bed, in the dark with pain pills and an ice pack.  The pain and accompanying nausea prevented her from participating in many family activities. 


As a young adult after the birth of my first daughter I started to experience Migraine headaches myself.  Determined not to allow these headaches to get the best of me, I immediately tackled the issue by seeking the help of various treatments.  I sought Chiropractic treatment which did give me relief but it was only temporary.  I went for physical therapy for my cervical spine (my neck pain/tension were always a big part of my headaches) which felt great but really provided no relief from my migraines.  I tried biofeedback and massage and again- it all felt great and gave temporary relief but I was still dealing with excruciating and debilitating migraines.  I had decided that I would keep pushing and not allow this challenge to get me down so with dark glasses on, nauseated and a painful migraine I pushed thought my frequent headaches.


Toughing it out was not going well and as mother of a toddler with a full time stressful job I felt desperate.  I went to a Neurologist and after a complete workup he ruled out anything serious and told me I was suffering from Migraine/Tension Headaches (not a surprise). I was desperate so I reluctantly agreed to take the medication he prescribed.  I took a daily pill to prevent the migraines and when they did not work (which was most of the time) I then took the prescription pain pills or a bunch of Excedrin Migraine. So… yes, the pain pills and Excedrin helped somewhat but always left me queasy, lethargic and feeling like my body just went through a war.  I was now in the same situation I had witnessed in my mom’s  suffering- NO good solution and still suffering.


I had a good friend who was seeing an Acupuncture Physician for another issue but she kept suggesting that I try it for my Migraines.  I did some reading and felt like it would be worth trying but the truth is, I was afraid of the needles!  After a five day headache, my friend dragged me to her Acupuncture appointment under the guise of just “meeting” her Acupuncture Physician.  I was feeling awful and the thought of dealing with the needles that I feared was a little overwhelming.  When she was called from the reception area by the Acupuncture Physician she announced to him that her friend (me) had a headache for five days and could he help? He instantly replied yes, of course!  I explained that I was just there to learn about the process and was not ready to try it.  After much coaxing I reluctantly agreed to have a treatment. The only problem was that the fear of needles was holding me back.  With my girlfriend sitting by my side the Acupuncture Physician asked if I would give him permission to just place four needles.  Sounds silly but this was difficult.  I tentatively agreed and four needles were placed and I rested for approximately 15 minutes.  When the treatment was over the practitioner explained to me that the treatment was just like taking a pain pill- the pain would come back. He explained that the reason I was getting the headaches was because my body was out of balance and if I was interested in dealing with the root of my problem I should come back for treatment and allow him to balance my body so the headaches would not return.

















As I left the office I was not even sure if I had relief, I paid the receptionist and left.  As I made my way downstairs to my car I had a moment when all of a sudden I realized that my headache was gone. Headache of five days gone and NO nausea, NO lethargy, NO narcotic hangover- WOW!  It was a beautiful cool and sunny South Florida day in December.  I remember it clearly as I was euphoric.  I remember that day as that was the day that the quality of my life changed drastically. 


The next morning I called the Acupuncture Physician and set up my next appointment so that he could balance me and clear my Migraine Headaches once and for all.   I had treatment for a few months and yes- after that I was Migraine free!  Over time I continued to visit my Acupuncturist for other reasons; tight neck, gym injury etc and eventually realized that this amazing art of Chinese Medicine had change my life so significantly that I wanted to learn it and share it with others.


So here I am- almost 20 years later.  I went back to school, earned my degree, passed my board exam.  I am a Board Certified Acupuncture Physician and have the opportunity daily to help and heal others with the same natural medicine that changed my life.

Give me a call to see how I might help you with your headache or migraines. Telephone 786-242-3885.


*Results may vary from patient to patient.  Please note that there is no assurance of achieving a desired or specific result in treatment.


14707 South Dixie Highway, #309

Miami, FL 33176

Monday: 10am-5pm 

Tuesday: 11am-4pm

Wednesday: 10am-7pm

Thursday: 10am-7pm

Friday: 9am-5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sun: Closed


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